The Durability Perception of Glass and Plastic Containers


Y. Bao

Keywords: Perception, Durability, Glass, Plastic, Container, China


Consumers typically use plastic and glass containers for various purposes. Consumers consider various factors, including their durability and cost, among others. Such decision factors should offer important insights for container manufacturers. In this regard, this study examines consumers’ attitudes toward plastic and glass contains and investigates the factors they consider to be the most important ones in their selection of containers. According to the results, the respondents generally had less favorable durability attitudes toward plastic containers. Male respondents were slightly more likely to prefer glass containers than female respondents, but there was no significant difference in their durability perceptions. The respondents emphasized durability as the most important factor in terms of durability perceptions, followed by cost. Weight and appearance were least likely to be identified. Both male and female respondents were most likely to report durability, followed by cost. These results have some important practical implications.