
I love the way the moonlight flickers through my room, Choosing a few selected items to shine at in the gloom, Choosing lots of people to comfort in the night, Keeping them from their nightmares, Keeping them from their fright.   The moonlight is another...
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土地经营权流转的制度分析 —以江苏省两县区为例

土地经营权流转的制度分析 —以江苏省两县区为例 推动土地流转、发展农业规模经营已成为全国性的热潮。借由土地经营权的流转,政府、企业、村委会、村民各有获益。但在看似皆大欢喜的局面下,却存在制度上的隐忧。本文通过对江苏省两县区的实地调研表明,在经济较不发达的地区,乡镇政府通过严格的合同鉴证程序,事实上拥有了土地经营权流转合同的审批权;又由于缺乏完善的土地确权和登记体系,县级以上政府难以对乡镇政府进行有效的监督。因此乡镇政府权力的急剧膨胀,可能进一步带来流转价格不市场化、土地流转后续程序难以解决等问题。土地流转制度的改革,应从改变鉴证制度、建立市场化的土地价格体系、加强土地确权登记等方面着手。 关键词:土地流转 三权分立 制度风险 乡镇政府 鉴证   孙婧文
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Canadian government and the Great Depression

J. Xia Canada is hit hard by the Great Depression. Suffering from the economic depression, Canadian people face the problem like lacking food, unemployment and increasing rate in suicide. The government had changed and made lots of different policies during 1930s, but the economy condition...
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Volunteering for the Benefit of All Involved

Volunteering for the Benefit of All Involved L.Zhen Volunteering is important not only for helping those in need but also for improving the lives of volunteers themselves. That is, the ways in which volunteering helps those in need are quite obvious, but the way volunteering...
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