Extremely interesting indeed, Are cases of narcotic drugs; But even they get horribly boring, When the arguing advocate bugs… While the utterly monotonous advocates, Go from bad to worse; I feel it immensely profitable, To dedicate to ganja, a verse… Let me tell...
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January 18, 2021 admin
XI JIA DE During this pandemic, many good, social responsible enterprises has contributed their efforts to help, in all the ways. In particular, in my city, there is one chained catering enterprise in my city has captured my eyes. I have known their restaurant for...
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December 28, 2020 admin
H.Xie Beyond the Color Symbolism is a widely used literature device that helps the author indicate a symbolic meaning beyond the object’s original meaning. In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, by applying different colors that represent varying personalities, Fitzgerald characterized his characters not...
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December 5, 2020 admin
I walk the hills, and the barren lands, With a passion in my eyes, a gun in my hands. Roads to freedom, the journey long and short, The incessant firing, the sound of the impending calm. Cold winds blow and they hit me...
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October 29, 2020 admin
The Relationship Between Chinese Calligraphy and Painting by Y. Chi Chinese calligraphy is an art fundamental to traditional Chinese culture. Chinese calligraphy is closely related to Chinese painting in its development, and its history is as long as that of China itself. Chinese calligraphy expresses...
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September 11, 2020 admin