“OPTIMISM” what is that? I heard that word first time two days ago. Until I found the word in Oxford English Dictionary. Only I know that. “An optimist finds opportunity in every problem”.

Oh? That’s nice. I evaluate myself as a pessimist who finds problems in every opportunity. I don’t know what is right and what is wrong. I know one thing.Whatever I do .That is wrong. Absolutely wrong. Everyday I ask myself. “Am I get- ting any closer to my goal in my life”?

My answer is always NO . NO ?????. So I realized that I have just wasted a day of my life. One day I came to my classroom. The thought written on the right side of the Green Board struck my heart.

“Great things can be done by great sacrifices only”. It remained on the board for three or four days. But no one took any notice of it.

I asked to myself ,What can I sacrifice for a good thing. How to translate pos- itive thinking into attitude, ambition, and action. I sacrifice a thing which is more and more valuable for my life for the sake of some- thing else. Now I am happy.“Thank God”.

“Happiness is like a butterfly. If we run after it ,it keeps fly- ing away. If we stand still, it comes and sits on our shoulder. Now I forget the mis- takes of the past and press on to greater achievements in the future. But there are other people who cannot enjoy health, because they think they may be sick tomorrow, and stop sleeping in bed when they hear that , more people died in bed than anywhere else. Hoooooooooooo. Now I conclude with the words of Edwin-c-Bliss.

“Success does not mean the absence of failures ; It means the attain- ment of ultimate objectives. It means winning the war, not every battle”.


Student: AKHIL K P