Waiting to see the sunset ,

As the day comes to an end ,

Hearing the murmur of the ocean,

Near-sightedness arresting my distant vision,


Uninformed it dawned on me

Has the lustre of my brilliance vanished?

People around me faceless,

Seeing only myself,


Others all spurious sights,

Never seeing motherless baby’s grief,

Damsels entangled in vulture’s talons

Feminity being traded in the street,


My dry eyes evade poor luckless chaps.

Treading upon sprouting grass,

Failing to hear its heart throb,

Never turning back, here I go


Placing remote mentors

That moulded me in my ride.

Steps treaded forgotten

Never tolerant to look back

Moving fast in bold assertion

Ignoring the wayside sights, never pausing,

Turning my back on the long lost

Traveller going weary,


Many a star swivels round me

Ere I move my orbit from them,

Hearing though many a song

Never waiting to see their source,


Inner eye too gets blurred

To see the amethysts of wisdom,

Let my sight rest in and around me

Somewhere in my fantasy.


Student: Alfred Shaji Mekkadan