Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci in approximately 1503 AD. It features the figure of a woman identified as Mona (or Madame) Lisa La Giocando who was the wife of a wealthy Florence businessman of the time. The painting originally included a column...
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May 29, 2023 admin
1* The most damaging one letter word:- I -avoid it. 2* The most satisfying two letter word:- We -use it. 3* The most poisonous three letter word:- Ego -kill it. 4* The most used four letter word:- Love -value it. 5* The most pleasing five...
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April 1, 2023 admin
Back ground Human population and development has grown ata rate In the last 100 years. This growth has resulted in enormous pressures on food, forests and other natural resources. The effects of development has had an adverse Impact on our surroundings. Unplanned and haphazard development...
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February 23, 2023 admin
AI x Agriculture Agriculture is one of the most historical industries. The most traditional agriculture utilizes simple tools like sledge and livestock to increase efficiency, modern agriculture uses more advanced mechanical utilities such as electric tiller and tractor. Although the advanced tools significantly increase productivity,...
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August 3, 2022 admin
article, Uncategorized
Gender Inequality in Chinese Society “How do you balance your role as a wife and your role as an employee?” This is a typical question women face during a job interview in China. Interestingly, there is never the same question for men asking the balance...
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June 10, 2022 admin